Anime Tip

Melancholy Of Haruhi-Chan Suzumiya (Region 1) - Melancholy Of Haruhi-Chan Suzumiya
Releasedatum: 22 maart 2011

The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya
In these animated short episodes based on the Haruhi-chan 4-koma (4-panel) manga, the SOS Brigade is presented as cute, little versions of themselves and focus on each of their unique quirks. Haruhi is even more outrageous with her twisted understanding of Valentine's Day and Halloween, Mikuru is just as clueless as ever, and Yuki is... an ero-game addict?!

Nyoron! Churuya-san
These comical shorts are based on a fan-drawn 4-koma parody manga, animated due to its underground success. Follow the whimsical adventures of Churuya-san (based on the character Tsuruya-san) on her quest for her favorite food, smoked cheese.

Contains episodes 1-13 of The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya and episodes 1-6 of Nyoron! Churuya-san.

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